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Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This Week’s Topic: Top Ten Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Ok, I had a lot of trouble with this one…so, I’m going to do 2 lists (in no particular order):

Top Ten Favourite Main Characters

1. Hermione Granger, from Harry Potter

2. Anne, from Anne of Green Gables

3. Annabeth Chase, from Percy Jackson

4. Tris, from Divergent

5. Rose, from Vampire Academy

6. Evie, from Paranormalcy

7. Jace Wayland/Morgenstern/Herondale/Lightwood, from The Mortal Instruments

8. Ethan Wate, from Beautiful Creatures

9. Number Six, from The Lorien Legacies

10. Mara Dyer, from Mara Dyer

Top Ten Favourite Characters (not main)

1. Luna Lovegood, from Harry Potter

2. Adrian Ivashkov, from Vampire Academy

3. Christina, from Divergent

4. Link, from Beautiful Creatures

5. Jamie Roth, from Mara Dyer

6. Magnus Bane, from The Mortal Instruments

7. Hunter, from Elementals (technically part main character, but whatever)

8. Jackal, from The Blood of Eden

9. Nico de Angelo, from Percy Jackson

10. Marlee, from The Selection

Ok, a lot of characters didn’t make either list…but that’s because I could probably have completed the entire list using characters from Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Divergent and Vampire Academy. I tried to have some sort of variety.